Our Story

Welcome to Luces del Sur, where friendship, passion, and a love for all things good have ignited our journey. In 2005, two women came together, bonded by a shared appreciation for food, travel, family, work, yoga, and the simple pleasures of life – like beautiful places and the joy of good wine and chocolate. We're not perfect, but we embrace life's imperfect beauty.


With each of us having more than two decades of experience in the Fashion Industry, we're excited to extend our creative wings and unveil our vision to the world. At Luces del Sur, we are dedicated to bringing light, beauty, and honesty to your home through products that are thoughtfully made in Europe.


Our commitment is unwavering – every product we offer is meticulously crafted with the highest quality materials, and we strive to minimize our environmental impact. Transparency and integrity are at the heart of our mission. We want you to know the story behind each product, from its origin to the hands that lovingly create it. By doing so, we aim to make a meaningful difference and pave the way for a more sustainable future.


We invite you to follow our exciting journey as we evolve from a mere idea into a full-fledged brand throughout our start-up year in 2022. Your support means the world to us, and we're eager to share our vision, our creations, and our passion with you.


We are grateful for your support and look forward to sharing our vision with you.



  Light & Love Always